Llama Limbo

It’s that time of year again: the Estes Park Wool Festival, when wool lovers flock to the mountains to gaze upon Jacob sheep, Karakul lambs, and Rambouillet rams. And to see the llama limbo.

Here’s an adorable vicuña-colored alpaca, freshly groomed. You’re welcome.

vicuna alpaca

I love the placid expression on this blue-ribbon llama, standing apart with its handler after winning the pack animal contest.


I made friends with a 10-month-old juvenile llama.

juvenile llama

Behind my head, you can see a small plume of smoke–the modest beginnings of the High Park wildfire that’s now consumed over 36,000 acres. It’s worryingly dry here, with humidity in the single digits. And it’s windy.

Bonus photo: a Jacob sheep with spectacular horns.
