CONvergence 2012

I’ve just returned from CONvergence, one of my favorite science fiction and fantasy conventions.

The heat index in Minneapolis was 104 degrees, so I didn’t bother with my steampunky costume. But I did serve on two panels: “New Roles for Female Characters in YA Fantasy,” with Penguin editor Sharyn November, my friend Mike Levy, and authors Lyda Morehouse and Kathy Sullivan…

…and “Women Writers You Should be Reading,” with renowned author Tamora Pierce, game designer/author Monica Valentinelli, publisher Tim Lieder, and voracious reader Kelly Pesola.

Both panels were made out of win.

panel at convergence

The great thing about going to conventions is being able to hear smart, engaged readers talk about writing. It’s a fantastic privilege to hang out with people who care about books.

I took lightning-fast notes when my fellow panelists and audience members were speaking, so I now have a shopping list of young adult fantasy novels I desperately need to buy: Nnedi Okorafor’s Akata Witch, Liz Hand’s Radiant Days, Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Drowned Cities, Robin LaFevers’ Grave Mercy, and more.

I championed some of my own favorite YA fantasies: Franny Billingsley’s beautiful novel Chime, Kelly Link’s remarkably weird story collection Pretty Monsters, and White Cat (or any other novel) by Holly Black.