Sargasso, no tassel

Is it just me, or has April raced away without even stopping to say hello? There are so many things I’ve meant to do this month, and they are still not done: short stories I need to finish, proposals I need to draft, a synopsis that’s not quite right.

When you’re faced with tasks that drag on forever, it’s nice to have something you can call done. That’s where knitting comes in.

If you’re knitting small projects, you always have a finished object to share. Last week I completed this Aestlight Shawl, which I made using a Sargasso blue Ella Rae merino. Love those sea-green colors!

aestlight 2

[Note: that’s my old office chair in the photo. It’s fashioned from cast iron and quartersawn oak, and it weighs a TON.]

When I finished the Aestlight shawl, I  just kept knitting. In the evenings, I watched a bunch of sci-fi and fantasy films for my WisCon 37 panel in May, and I made myself a hat.

I have an unfortunate and incurable habit of running out of yarn, and this Norby hat was no different. Once again, I went right down to the wire. I altered the pattern to make the hat smaller, but there still wasn’t enough yarn. By the time I switched to my tiny 9 inch needles to finish the crown, I had almost nothing left. Definitely not enough to make the suggested tassels.

norby to the wire

But who needs tassels?