2014: The Year in Review

This year. It was busy and intense. I’ve been putting off writing a Year in Review post for 2014 because I don’t even know where to begin.

Much of my energy in the spring went to the launch of my first novel, Requiem in La Paz. Along with receiving some lovely reviews, Requiem in La Paz was named a finalist in Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s Colorado Gold contest.

Dulcie Reads Requiem

My puppy Dulcinea is my biggest fan.

I attended WisCon at the end of May, moderating two panels: one on first-person narrators, and the other on Non-Western religion in fantasy and science fiction. I also was on a great panel titled “Reclaiming the Golem” (which I blogged about here).

I read a bunch of books in 2014, killed a few houseplants, got involved in a hellish (but ultimately fulfilling) home remodel, and took a canyon safari in Utah.

I must say I really enjoyed bringing Requiem in La Paz into the world. There were book signings and readings, an author event at the public library, and a fun launch party at the Book Bar in Denver. I was excited to receive an enthusiastic letter from a reader who lived in La Paz and loved the Bolivian setting. But I’ve actually been even more happy hearing from readers who knew absolutely nothing about Bolivia before reading the book and subsequently felt an affinity for the country, along with an interest in its people and culture.

Over the last few months I’ve been adjusting to the idea that I’m a published author now, not just a former professor anymore. I’ve formed a new identity. A few years ago, when I gave up tenure and packed up my office in Wisconsin, my friends were worried about me. Heck, even I was worried about me. But leaving academe and starting my new life as a writer has really been one of the best and most freeing things I’ve ever done. (And it certainly doesn’t hurt that I get to live in Colorado.)

What’s next for 2015? Well, I’m working on a new novel, which not incidentally has something to do with academe. I’m going to moderate a discussion panel at AnomalyCon in March, and I’ll be attending Denver ComiCon in May. There will be books to read and stories to write. There may be some international travel. I’m hoping to climb a fourteener–an easy one, of course!

Anything could happen in 2015. It’s a new year.