
I love the rituals of spring. I don’t think I’m prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder–not here in Colorado, at any rate. (We get 300 days of sunlight a year.) But I do feel incredible relief when winter finally ends. I love the sense of hope that comes when the days grow longer.

I always make sure to buy macaroons on the first day of spring. After all, why not?

easter treats

Every year, I pick up daffodils at Easter time. They smell so clean!


I also get into my spring cleaning. I delve into the closets and air out all my handknits.

[Note: those fingerless gloves in the foreground are indeed made by hand, but since I’m not the sort of person to make anything with Size Zero needles, it must be admitted that I bought them at great expense on my last day in Edinburgh.]

rose red spring

I decorate the trees with Shetland lace.

aestlight spring

Meanwhile, Dulcinea naps on the sofa, oblivious to all the tempting wool that’s just within reach.

Dulcinea naps