I promised you wildflowers…

…so there will be wildflowers. Dulcinea is finally old enough to conquer a mountain or two, so we did some weekend hiking this summer. First up in our summer hiking recap, Dulcinea is surrounded by beautiful wildflowers: With Dulcie at Lost Lake, via the Hesse Trail. A clearing near Kenosha Pass, at 10,000 feet. Dulcinea […]

The Cruelest Month

Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. The Waste Land is not an easy poem to teach, but I’ve always liked teaching it anyway. There’s so much to contend with, even in that overly familiar opening stanza. I love that phrase–“forgetful snow.” We got 12 inches […]


My puppy Dulcinea absolutely loves this Scala shawl. It’s the tempting tassels, of course. Mithril also likes the dangling ribbon yarn. He had fun helping me make it. So, yeah. I’ve worn this shawl maybe twice in two years. But that will change soon. I’m taking the shawl on vacation with me, where the furry […]

Fuzzy Valentine

It’s Valentine’s Day. So where’s my snow? I took Dulcinea to the dog park, and she kicked up great clouds of dust. I ought to know better, but I’m still shocked by how warm it is on the Front Range. Tiny shoots of crocus and Dutch Iris are springing up in my garden. (Don’t they […]

Patron Saint of Puppies

On Saint Lucia’s Day, our puppy Dulcinea had surgery. She’d been listless for days, picking at her food and resting on the floor with the kitties. We brought her to the veterinarian, who discovered a 3-inch mass in her abdomen. So we rushed her in for surgery, and then I lit a candle, as I […]

Puppy and Pumpkin

We bought a dark orange pumpkin for Halloween, and Dulcinea became deeply interested in its flavor. She also sampled the cattails in the marsh near our home, with frothy results. She took just a few moments to pose with the pumpkin, and then she was off again, heading for the aspens. Dulcinea’s first big hike, […]

Birthday Puppy

Our puppy Dulcinea is now a year old. It’s ridiculous, how much we love this little girl. For her birthday, we took her on a stroll through the meadows. Then we explored the woods near the lake. Huge cottonwood trees! Finally, we went out for birthday treats, and Dulcinea tasted her very first ice cream […]

Surpassing Sweetness

Dulcinea really does live up to her name. This weekend, our surpassingly sweet puppy went to CONvergence 2012, her first-ever science fiction and fantasy convention. She didn’t actually attend the Con: she just stood around outside being admired while I finished the last of my panels (more about them in another post). While we were […]