Selbu Modern

I’ve finally completed a colorwork pattern that actually works. Behold, the very lovely Selbu Modern beret: I knitted this while in New Mexico visiting relatives. The straw-and-cornflower color scheme turned out very nicely, I think. If I make another one for myself, I’ll choose jewel tones or charcoal, as I usually do. Perhaps purple. I […]

Ishbel, Part 1

Lately, I’ve been entranced by Ishbel, Ysolda’s lovely and popular shawl pattern. My own efforts to make an Ishbel shawl started out pretty well, but ended in knitting disaster. Snowy and Mithril helped me choose a gorgeous Malabrigo sock yarn in the Violeta Africana colorway, and I knitted happily away while vacationing in Hawaii. [Malabrigo yarn! […]

Dalkeith House

Today’s my last day teaching classes and living in Dalkeith House. I’m going to miss this place: the huge grounds with their 700-year-old oak trees, the 20-foot ceilings, the beautiful paintings, the marble floors and fireplaces. The house is said to be haunted, but the larger-than-life statue of the Duke of Wellington in the Great […]