New Puppy Prospects

How quickly we get over heartbreak! Just a month ago, I was all sleepless and tragic over the collapse of our puppy acquisition scheme. But already my heart is on the mend. We’ve found a new litter of puppies, and they are adorable. This litter has ten puppies to choose from. [ETA: See the puppy […]

Puppy Postponed

I’m sitting at home with several puppy training books, an extra-large training crate, a collapsible drinking bowl (in a charming shade of pink), a tiny quick-release collar, and no puppy. We were supposed to pick up our Golden Retriever this week, but things fell through. Which is an abbreviated way of saying I developed concerns […]

Puppy pursuit

What does it take to own the perfect puppy? For us, it takes (finally) living together in the same place for more than a few months at a time. It also takes a four-wheel drive and a lot of reading. In pursuit of the perfect Golden Retriever, we’ve been researching breeders and stocking up on […]