New York, Imagined and Real

New York is a city we’ve seen in images so many times, there’s a very real danger we won’t actually see it when we visit. I was thinking about that last night as I read Alain de Botton’s book The Art of Travel. I realize de Botton divides the masses, but I rather enjoyed his […]

Snowshoe Rendezvous

There’s still a bit of snow left in the high reaches, but we are officially done now, and I’m putting away my snowshoes and planting strawberries in my garden. We’ll see you in the back country when winter returns.

The Learning Swerve

The past several weeks have been filled with creativity and hard work. In addition to revising my latest novel, I edited book-length manuscripts for three of my colleagues. I also took a painting class, traveled to Texas for a sewing retreat, and went to see the Wonderful Wizard of Woz. Yes, that’s Apple co-founder Steve […]

Convention Report: ICFA37

I’ve just returned from ICFA37, the best science fiction and fantasy convention ever. Hosted every year in Orlando, The International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts is a scholarly conference devoted to the study of the fantastic, which includes science fiction, fairy tales and folklore, fantasy literature, and everything else you can imagine. This […]

Beasts of the Alaskan Wild

I’ve decided to face up to the fact that I will never, ever, ever get around to blogging about my trip to Alaska last summer. But there’s no reason we can’t enjoy a few wildlife photos, some of which are certain to brighten your day. Below, a selection of snapshots from Alaska, including otter, caribou, […]

Shawl Club: Osebury Rock

At last I can share a few photos of Osebury Rock, my final creation from Ysolda’s 2015 Shawl Club. Osebury Rock is a rustic colorwork pattern that was delightfully fun to knit. I completed this project whilst my husband entertained me with plot twists, assassination attempts, and political intrigue in Dragon Age: Inquisition. (Note: there […]

Shawl Club: Malton Oolite

It’s already midwinter, but I’ve only now completed my autumn shawl for Ysolda’s 2015 Shawl Club. This particular club installment is called Malton Oolite, named for a sedimentary rock formed in England during the Jurassic era, characterized by egg-shaped ooliths. But as you can see, there’s nothing egg-shaped about the design Dulcinea is modeling, since […]

Angels of Estes Park

As the new year rolled in, I went out looking for angels, but divine messengers were thin on the ground, so I had to make one myself. In case you were wondering, it’s not particularly easy to make a symmetrical snow angel while wearing snowshoes and a puffy snowsuit. But somehow I managed. The winter […]