Baker Street and Beyond

This weekend was all about Sherlock Holmes. First, we went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to take in The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes. The exhibit had original manuscripts by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, lots of Holmes-related ephemera, magnificent props creating Holmes’ Victorian study, and a very cool interactive mystery, which actually […]

Featherweights and Friction

Christmas came early for me this year, in the form of a 1930’s Singer Featherweight, beautifully embellished with gilded scrolls. Gorgeous, no? I seriously squealed like a schoolgirl when I saw it. But the best thing about this gift is not its beauty, but its ability to reduce friction in my life. I love vintage, […]

Avalanche Ranch

Tucked away in a narrow mountain valley is a rustic resort called Avalanche Ranch. At some point in October, we realized we needed to step away from our computers and phones. So away we went to Avalanche Ranch for a weekend retreat. And even though I became ill over the weekend (and ended up the […]

The Grand Rounds

Autumn’s on its way in, and I can tell I’m in a state of transition. After spending most of the summer traveling–first to Bolivia and then to Alaska–I returned home to the devastating loss of my friend Solveig, at which point everything in my life came to a sudden stop. I haven’t overcome my grief. […]

Holiday in Copacabana

Here’s one final post on my Bolivian holiday. After my sister finished performing her solo concerts in La Paz, we had just enough time for a short trip to Copacabana, a resort town on the shores of Lake Titicaca. So we gathered up the kids and hit the road. The main route to Copacabana winds […]

An Evening at Teatro Municipal

Shortly after I arrived in Bolivia this summer, I was lucky enough to hear my sister perform at Teatro Municipal, a grand old nineteenth-century theater in La Paz. Accompanied by the young musicians of Encuentro de Jovenes Músicos Bolivianos, she and her husband played the world premiere of Jordan Grigg’s “Concerto Semplice” for Two Violins. […]

Shawl Club: Crockern Tor

It’s been far too long since Dulcinea graced the pages of this blog, so I’m happy to share a photo of our girl modeling Crockern Tor, the latest pattern from designer Ysolda Teague’s 2015 Shawl Club. (Note: the fluffy black object in the photo above is our kitty Mithril’s tail. He doesn’t want Dulcinea to […]

Snow at Tiwanaku

We returned to Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) in July after too-long an absence and were delighted to find a rare dusting of snow on the altiplano. My brother-in-law has visited this archaeological site more than a dozen times and has never seen snow. Such a treat! We naturally had to visit the Semi-Subterranean temple, which is featured […]